projects to work on
Here are the general things I’d like to work on in no specific order:
- set up flux + renovatebot for k8s
- use go client library for kubernetes for security demo
- moving over to a different ansible role for k3s
- going through the rust book
- plan and execute a migration to opnsense
- learning more about go-redis to better document gifinator
- switch to postgres operator from statefulset
- research metallb and switching to it if possible
- dynamic inventoy in ansible by getting the IPs from terraform
- figure out the best patter for using grpc-gateway
- finish bookdir backend + frontend
- finish folding at home microservices in python
- explore java spring boot and maybe micronaut for microservices again
- write gitea downstreamer bot
- selfhost sourcehut using ansible
- make gogenjson better
Any and all opinions on this site are mine and mine alone.
The source code for this site can be found here
and the docker images of it here.